A Crying Country In 21st Century-INDIA
After hearing a word India people admire about hospitality,culture,secularism,
fraternity,the great history,architecture,linguistic,democratic,where people are filled
with moral,social,ethical,emotion,a land where 1.3 billion people from almost every
religion that may found on this earth,live with happiness.A land of many God & Goddess
and a land of many great personality where born and passed away,a land where firstly
maths,science,ayurveda-core subject are came in light,a land from where inventions'
have change the world.
More than this:- India is a vast country with 32,87,263 sq/km area,which makes it largest country in asian continent and seventh in the world. It is on the way to become a super-power, it is a country which is full with all kinds of economical hub required for a country to become a super-power, it have land, abundant resources which being yet to utilise,manpower.
India A Youth Country:-Our country is only the country which have almost more than fifty percentage of people are in working age.But today's youth of our country have hardly social,ethical,moral values,youth have got in the clutches of vigov2d, musically, making artistic creative videos for of no use only for name and fame and for some enjoyment,most of them are just garbage peeing in internet killing their time ; not all of them.
India game of name change:-Since independence we had not yet decided names for our streets, villages, towns, districts,cities,states,names are changing in uttar pradesh and some other states just like as season changes with time.We are just wasting our time and money which both are limited in our country.
Typical Thinking of People:-In current scenario if you are with government be feel good as you are "nationalist" but if you are against its policy then remain and get ready to trolled down by the people as well as from the government you are an anti-national product,and if you are a muslim and then speaking anything then (God may Bless You)!
Media:-What to say about this industry todays' people are watching serial very less as our media is performing very well, big-boss have got less TRP, this time as media is not less than this. Media must be unbiased as it is one of the pillars of our country's "Preamble".
In nutshell,nor the government,nor the media,its we the citizen of our country have to take a stand, we know it is wrong,many things are going against our fundamental rights as right to vote,right to speech and many more. Nevertheless we know things are wrong but we didn't take any stand.So, overall its our responsibility to decide where to lead our country in the way of Being Becoming a "superpower or super backward". Boycott all the things whether they are your fundamental right as like"voting right",if you can't choose your favourite candidate and vote him/her,don't go for vote. Although India is democratic country means a government should be on the legacy of; we the people, by the people and for the people.India needs help from us its time to pay back our country and makes it free from corruption,corrupt government,orthodox mentality and guiding our youth in right track.
ThankYou !!
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