Unlimited Career Options For Youth

Unlimited Career Options For Youth There is no limit for the career in India as we have the abundance of resources as well as untouched resources, being failed from scientific discoveries yet pending to be conduct on these resources.Around 3.5 billion population (approx.),millions of opportunities are a step away.Just we have to look around and open our mind, time has come to grab these opportunities and not only to grab it moreover create them. * Parental Problem For Youth :- From the time we as a child are able to understand the logical, social aspect of our parents,elders,teachers we noticed that according to them only three to four career options are present that are discussed below- 1) Doctor-If a student from science background (PCB-stream),our elders used to say dear you have to become doctor as it is one of the respected profession in our Indian society,earnings are also very good...