
Showing posts from November, 2018

Success-What is actually success means ?

                                Success According to Mohammad Aquib Khan," success means what a person wants to achieve,it is a successive chain which remain continues till death ".                                    fig-1 Success  and its meaning get differs from person to person and r emain  changes at every step of ones life,for every person success is  different. When we are infant baby our success is different , as we started to walk,speak,we get succeed,when we are studying,we get succeed when we clear our academics,we get succeed when defeat our failure,fear,negative thinking.Every person is a successful person on this universe as everybody has somehow achieve anything in his/her life. " The Biggest Success On This Blue Planet Is, Since The Earth Was Made And Till IT Will Exist, Is Conquering Ones Mind ". Success can be broadly categorized into two manner:- 1) Short-Term Success:-  It is just like a accounting period or financial year,a short