The Indian Mercantile Laws-The Indian Contract Act 1872-CA Foundation,CA-Cpt,CA-Ipcc

Indian Mercantile Laws Indian Mercantile Laws is an outcome of British Law with the modification as necessitated by the condition remaining in India.It also known as commercial,business law. This law covers various Acts such as: ⇒ The Indian Contract Act 1872 ⇒ The Sale of Goods Act 1930 ⇒ The Partnership Act 1932 ⇒ The Companies Act 1956;etc The Indian Contract Act 1872 The Indian Contract Act 1872 is so much infused in our daily life that it affects all of us,for every purchase that one does,or a ride one takes in a bus and many other transactions of our daily life. The Law of contracts seeks to regulate the behaviour of persons who make contracts.It also determines the circumstances under which a promise or an agreement shall be legally binding on the person making it. The Act came into force on 1 september 1872,it is applicab...